to you.
We are not here to tell you what to do; we give you options so you can make good decisions.
We believe God knows the beginning from the end. We are called to care for people until the end.
We believe every minute of life is precious.
We're going to be open and honest with you.
We're here with a servant's spirit to serve our patients and their families.
We're not here to help our patients die, we are here to help our patients live!
Who we are.
MaxServe Hospice provides a healthcare option for patients and families facing an end-of-life illness. Our focus is to maximize the quality of life of our patients by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Our care team can be comprised of some or all of the following disciplines: Doctors, Nurses, Certified Nurses Aides, Social Workers, Chaplains and Volunteers.
When the decision is made to forego aggressive restorative or curative treatments, MaxServe Hospice will do our best to provide you with the best quality of life for the rest of your life.
Our Mission
We're about life and living. It is our desire that our patients live the best life that they can, for as long as they can, experiencing the best quality of life possible.

Skilled Nursing
The Hospice Nurse is arguably one of the most well-rounded nurses in all of medicine. They provide hands-on nursing care, sometimes round the clock when necessary. Hospice nurses evaluate and create a care plan for their patients. Ordering medicines and equipment is coordinated through your nurse. Your hospice nurse is your advocate and your first line of communication. If there is any change in condition, call your nurse right away.
Our services
are designed to
serve you.
Hospice care can require a variety of different skilled professionals all doing their best to improve the quality of life for individuals and their families. Hospice is required to provide these services but always remember that you’re still in charge. If some of these services don’t apply to your needs, let your nurse know your feelings about it and we’ll adjust our care plan.

Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
The Certified Nurses Aide is the backbone of the hospice industry. They provide grooming, hair care, hygiene, tidy-up, and more. Because the CNA may be scheduled up to 5 times a week, they tend to develop a deep, meaningful connection in a short period of time.

Social Work
The role of the Hospice Social Worker is to advocate for each person’s end of life wishes and to help individuals address the emotional aspects of late-stage illnesses. The Hospice Social Worker will also assist families to identify other available local services and resources for additional support.
Our services are a benefit to your loved one . . . that’s paid for 100% by Medicare
We know you would do anything to support and care for your loved ones, so why not let MaxServe Hospice be a part of your team? It’s what we do every day; helping families with their loved ones. We get it. We’re 110% confident you’ll wish you had asked for help sooner.

How we
serve and help
Pain and Symptom Control
The goal of pain and symptom control is to help you be comfortable while allowing you to stay in control as much as possible and enjoy yourself as much as possible.
Home Care and Inpatient Care
There are instances when discomfort and symptoms can’t be managed at home. We would then suggest an “inpatient care setting” to manage pain and complex acute symptoms. This care is typically performed in a nursing facility that can provide hospice care 24 hours a day. This type of care is short-term, 3-5 days. After the symptoms are under control, you can go back home to your familiar surroundings.
Family Meetings
Family meetings are conducted to provide information and to discuss issues the patient or family may have. Scheduling these meetings is the responsibility of your nurse. These meetings are necessary to agree on a plan of care that provides medical, social, and emotional support. Meetings are usually 30-60 mins long and will include family members or legal guardian.
Comprehensive Care
Our professional team is here to guide our patients and their families every step of the way throughout their health journeys.
Home and Inpataient Care
Our in-home MaxServe Hospice team can arrange for inpatient care at a Skilled Nursing Facility or at times, in a hospital.
Respite Care
Bereavement Care
For patients being cared for at home, MaxServe Hospice offers respite care to allow friends and family time away from care-giving. Think of it as a time out to recharge your mind and body. This is a short-term at times necessary break that can take place in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
The MaxServe Hospice team, usually through a Chaplain or Social Worker, provides a 13 month program of loving support for the survivors of a person we've had the pleasure of caring for. This support is designed with you in mind to include but not limited to a phone call, a letter, a text, or a face to face meeting.
Respite Care: You deserve a break today
MaxServe Hospice offers “respite care” to allow friends and family time away from caregiving. Respite care can be given in up to 5-day periods of time. during which the person with cancer is cared for either in the One Point Hospice facility or in beds that are set aside in nursing homes or hospitals.
The Benefits of Hospice Care; Earlier Rather Than Later:
Maintain independence
Take control of the illness/disease and it's possible associated discomforts
Complete important tasks
Organize personal affairs
Complete your spiritual arrangements
Enjoy, catch up or even reconcile with loved ones
In our
At MaxServe Hospice it is important for us to have a footprint in our community. We are all connected and we believe that reaching out to our community is another way that we can help those we serve directly through our hospice and palliative programs.